Sunday, February 24, 2013

Setting up a Mixed Student Organization

A Call For Mixed Student Organizations
You know what I could have really used in high school and college?  A club for multircial, multiethnic, blended, mixed kids.  

Alas! There were none!

But why is this so?  Let's explore!

Why No Mixed Student Organization on Your Campus?

Guidelines - Hurtful Comments from Friends

Guidelines for Confronting Friends on Mixed-Hurtful Comments

"I don't find  _________s attractice."

"You know who I don't find attractive? _________s."

"I don't think ___________s are hot.  They're too _________."

You've heard all of these before.  You're chatting with someone, (a friend, an acquaintance, a coworker), and they drop the not!attractive bomb.  You casually mention that you're actually part __________.

Here comes the kicker:

"No offense."

This conversation has been a major thorn in the side of people of color.  "No offense?"  Um, no, plenty of offense!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Online Resources: The Multiracial Network Blog

Internet Resource for Mixed (Multiracial, Multiethnic) Folks: "The Multiracial Network Blog"

Hey friends!  Today we're going to look at another great online resource for the mixed community.  To quickly recap, the last resource we looked at was the "Facts for Families - Multiracial Children" page from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in this post.

Today's onlines resource is "The Multicultural Network."  Ready for a blast of resourcy goodness?

The Multiracial Network Blog: Think Outside the Box

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Online Resources: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Resources You Can Find Online for Multiracial, Multiethnic, "Mixed" Families: "Facts for Families - Multiracial Children"

Hey y'all!  Let's look at some of the prominent online resources for mixed folks.  It's important to know what's out there (besides my own lovely blog) for the multiracial/multiethnic community and its issues.

My elaborate research methods involved typing in terms like "multiracial families" in Google.  :P  The website we're examining in this post was at the top of the list.

There'll be more installments in the future with additional resources.  In the mean time, feel free to send any recommendations!

Alright, here we go!

Facts for Families -  Multiracial Children

Monday, February 11, 2013

The "Select One" Option on University Applications - Part 4

Selecting Just One Applicable Racial/Ethnic Identity on a University Application's Race Reporting Form

Welcome to the last installment of Growing Up Mixed's series on how to fill out the race reporting form that's a part of most university applications as a multiracial and/or multiethnic individual.  

So far, we've covered the pros and cons of:

  1. Selecting all applicable racial and ethnic identities
  2. Selecting "Other" or an unspecified option and writing in "multiracial" and/or "multiethnic" in the blank space provided
Selecting only one applicable racial or ethnic identity is the last option we'll discuss.  So, what are the pros and cons of the "just one" option?

Benefits of Selecting "Just One"

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The "Other" Option on Univeristy Applications - Part 3

Selecting "Other" on a University Application Race Reporting Form

Welcome to the next installment of Growing Up Mixed's series on racial and ethnic self-identification on a university application as a mixed person.  In this section, we'll look at the pros and cons of selecting "Other," or a similar unspecified option, and writing "multiracial" and/or "multiethnic" in the blank space provided.

If you want a quick recap of what we discussed in part 1, selecting all applicable identities, check out 

Benefits of Selecting "Other"

Saturday, February 2, 2013

"Selecting All" on University Applications - Part 2

Selecting All Applicable Racial/Ethnic Identities

on a University Application

A wild university application appears!  Oh no!  The application uses "select your racial/ethnic identity!"  But you're *gasp* mixed!

Don't hurt yourself in your confusion.  You can actually use your mutiracial and/or multiethnic identity to your advantage on a university application!  In the first of a three part series, I'll explain some of the pros and cons of your best options for tackling the race/ethnicity reporting form.  

In this section, we're going to look at some of the possible results of selecting all racial and ethnic identities that apply to you.

Benefits of Selecting All Applicable Identities

Friday, February 1, 2013

University Applications

What do I pick when a university application asks for my racial and/or ethnic identity and I'm mixed?

You're filling out a form for the STAR, SAT, ACT or high school exit exam and you reach the section about your racial and ethnic information.  Damn, you think, this problem again!  As a mixed kid, what do I pick?